January 2005
Beginning with the May 2003 edition, newsletters are now archived
online at: http://www.guitar-leads.com/newsletter.htm
1. ROCK & ROLL 101 Elliot Randall
2. LEARN-A-LICK - Reelin' in the Years - Lead Guitar Solo
Hello, happy holidays and welcome to my first
free newsletter for: GUITAR-LEADS.COM.
I hope you will find it a helpful tool in your journey to becoming a
well rounded lead guitarist. I am planning on making this a quarterly
newsletter with all kinds of great guitar leads info and offers.
1. ROCK & ROLL LEADS “101" |
An important part of learning how to play great guitar
leads is to know about those musicians who played an
important role in influencing Rock & Roll guitar
in the first place. As a part of this on-going newsletter,
I will draw upon many examples, with the intent of
showing and explaining different styles, rhythms, tones
and other characteristics of playing lead solos. I
want you to be able to not only learn how to mechanically
play the guitar leads, but eventually be able to feel
what you play. This will come later for most of you,
but in time, you will come to realize that “feeling” what
you’re playing is THE REASON why you are playing
the guitar in the first place. It can and will carry
your soul to different worlds.
The first Rock & Roll Guitar lead soloist is ELLIOTT
RANDALL. Elliott, a marvelous studio guitarist, rose
to fame with his guitar work on the 1970's Steely Dan’s
is a very challenging song with wonderful fills and
a melodic solo with arpeggiated triads, multi-bends,
written in a chordal-style approach (vs. a block/box
blues lead approach).
As the story goes, this solo was so groundbreaking
in the world of Rock & Roll Pop music, that when
Eric Clapton first heard it, he was so “blown
away” by it that he wanted to meet the man responsible
for writing and playing this solo. That’s just
how innovative it is. You will find out that no matter
how good you are, it’s a difficult exercise to
play all of the licks in this song at regular speed.
It is not for beginners and intermediary guitar players
should play for content and not for speed. (Speaking
of that, if you haven’t checked out and downloaded
my leads course, it’s time to do so at guitar-leads.com
No matter what type of music you like... Jazz, Blues,
Rock... you will find all of those styles in this great
solo course.
Here’s the part where we
will have some practical fun. In this section, I
will show you an important Rock Lead or Lick. For this
one, why not draw from our ROCK & ROLL
101 monthly
subject: Mr. Elliott Randall? Let’s take a
look at the opening guitar riff. Here goes!

opening salvo is not an easy one to accomplish. It incorporates
pull-offs, slides and Hammer-ons and I can say with certainty,
that if you play this opening riff correctly, you will
much. Oh, by the way, if this all seems Greek to you,
I enthusiastically invite you to go to my web site: www.free-guitar-lesson.com and
look at all this course has to offer, with so many free,
bonus items, it will teach you how to read this
lead tablature and so much more. Good Luck and enjoy! |
In this section, I will let you
in on some of the great experiences I’ve had
as a guitar player.
(Remember, you can make your own memories too, so make
sure you check out my web sites.)
The year was 1993. The
place was South Hampton, Long Island, New York. The event
was a Private
Fund Raiser. The guest of Honor was actor, Mr.
Paul Newman and legendary musician Mr. Chuck Berry.
My band, Phil Dirt & The Dozers, was to follow-up
Chuck’s performance with an oldies show.
There was a problem however. It was 15 minutes
to show time and Chuck was nowhere to be found.
His agent was nervous and asked us if we could
open the show if Chuck didn’t show up on
time. This was not a problem for us, but “where
was Chuck?”
Finally, at three minutes till the hour of performance,
a limo pulls up to the venue and out pops a wiry,
hard-working musician along with his guitar and
a brief case. The guitar case held Chuck’s
beautiful, Cherry, Gibson 335 Stereo guitar. The
briefcase was for his payment for services to be
rendered and paid (as always) in cash dollars.
He walked over to us and we were introduced to
him. He gave my drummer a hug, as it was his 40th
birthday. Chuck then cracked a joke, walked to
the stage, plugged-in and what happened next, I
will never forget as long as I live.
He counted
off his first song for the band and began the introduction
to “Johnny B. Goode.” After
the first 6 notes, he stopped the music abruptly.
Everyone stared and wondered what had just happened.
Then, right there on stage, he began tuning his
guitar. (Without a tuner, I might add.)
To any musician, this is considered hysterical
and even perhaps, blasphemous. To a party guest:
puzzling! But this was and is Mr. Chuck Berry.
All you have to do is rent the movie “HAIL,
HAIL, ROCK & ROLL” and this story will
all make sense. The man is a legend. Chuck got
back to the business of playing rock and roll music
and did a great show. What a gift for me to be
able to see and listen to this icon and inventor
of Rock & Roll guitar.
I will be telling you these
stories because I want you to know that I started off
playing the
guitar at 12 years old by teaching myself and after
many years and many bands, I finally found the
right opportunity and am living out a dream as
a full-time musician! You can too! You can create
your own dreams. My two courses will take all the
guesswork out of learning to play rhythm and lead
guitar like the pros. If you have not checked out
my web sites and you are serious about
wanting to learn to play some of the greatest leads
Rock history, now is the time. I’ll teach
you leads by Clapton, Santana, The Eagles, The
Allman Brothers and even show you how to start
your own band. Most importantly, I will cut-out
all the mumbo jumbo out of learning to play guitar
leads so that you can be playing them as quickly
as possible. GOOD LUCK & KEEP ON ROCKIN’.
4. Thought For The Day - Happiness |
The foolish man seeks happiness
in the distance, the wise man grows it under his feet.
- James Oppenheim
5. Subscription Information |
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Please email these to info2{at}@guitar-leads{dot}com |