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Learn to Play
Guitar Riffs Today!

guitar lessons course, leads, riffs, licks and guitar solos

Learning to Play Guitar!

If you are just learning to play the guitar or don’t know how to play tabs, we have provided a solution for that problem. When you purchase Tony’s Guitar Leads, Riffs, Licks and Solos course we are providing, at no additional cost, Tony’s Guitar Fundamentals Course, and Tony’s article on how to read and play tabs. Tony’s course normally sells for $29.95. You can either purchase it at, or you can but the guitar leads course and get it free – seems like a pretty simply decision.

Know the Basics – Play any Music Style 

Whether your interest is in classical or rock, punk or blue grass, the blues or country, acoustic or electric, it makes no difference. The fundamentals are the same and they are of utmost importance. If you don't master the fundamentals, your ability to progress will be hampered or impaired. Beware -- that's not the only pitfall. Some of the newer fads are counter productive; they may appear to be a temporary shortcut-- but over the long term they are downright harmful. These are not things you will learn from an academician, they are not things you will learn from some up-start. They are things that come with experience, success, and traveling in the circles of the professionals, the best in the business. Here are a few of the tips and tricks Tony will share with you in his Fundamentals Course.

Why the new "fad" in guitar tuning is dangerous to your playing ability!
How to restring your guitar the right way and why the wrong way can cause problems with your ability to tune your guitar.
What "power chords" are and how to play them
The effect of string gauge (thickness) on tonal quality
The playing of Barre Chords and why learning how to play them is key to long term playing ability.
A simply way to play melodies and leads.
The "night and day" difference between Fender and Gibson guitars!
No Music Theory-- Just the Stuff You Need to Play
We don't want to teach you the theory of how to play a Mixolydian scale, but we do want to teach you about playing the blues and rock and roll. We won't ask you to go out and buy a $1,000 guitar, but we will tell you what to look for when you go to pick one out. We will not bore you with unnecessary, difficult music theory. Tony's guitar lessons course will explain only what is necessary to get you playing right away.

Here is some of what you will learn:

Which guitar you should buy.
The basics of the guitar.
What each part does.
How to read chord tablature.
How to tune your guitar.
How to play barre chords.
How to play open chords.
How to play the Blues and Rock progressions.

Tony's Guitar Lesson's Course is written for beginners and advanced beginners. However, even if you have already taken a lesson or course and have some playing experience, there is still plenty you can learn from this course.

Remember, when your order Tony's Guitar Leads course, you get this Fundamentals Course absolutely free of charge.

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